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About the game
GHQ is a game of strategy and tactics for two players. Players alternate turns moving pieces on the board, attempting to capture their opponent's HQ to win the game.
It was originally designed by Kurt Vonnegut.
The physical game was developed by Geoff Engelstein (see his great How To Play GHQ video).
This website is being actively developed on GitHub.
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8-10pm ET
Every Tuesday night
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How to win
Capture the enemy HQ
to win!
Use artillery and infantry to defend your HQ and destroy the enemy's HQ!
How to play
You get 3 moves per turn.
Choose any of:
(A) Deploy a piece from your reserve
(B) Move an infantry and/or capture a piece
(C) Move and/or rotate an artillery
Each piece can move once per turn
Adjacent square means touching sides left, right, up, or down.
Any square means adjacent or diagonal.
Capturing means destroying an enemy piece.
Board setup
How infantry capture
An infantry is engaged if it is adjacent to an enemy infantry.
Engaged, no capture
An infantry may capture if it is adjacent to an already-engaged enemy infantry.
Tip: Try to outnumber your opponent!
How artillery capture
An artillery bombards squares in front of itself.
Controlling squares
If your piece is left in a bombarded square, it will be captured at the start of your opponent's turn!
Enemy pieces cannot move onto or through bombarded squares.
Moves: 1 square, any direction
Captures: 1 square, adjacent
Captured by: 2 adjacent infantry
Armored Infantry
Armored Infantry
Moves: 2 squares, any direction
Captures: 1 square, adjacent
Captured by: 2 adjacent infantry
Airborne Infantry
Airborne Infantry
Moves: 1 square, any direction
Captures: 1 square, adjacent
Captured by: 2 adjacent infantry
While on home row, it can move to any square!
Moves: 1 square, any direction
Bombards: 2 squares, forward
Captured by: 1 adjacent infantry
Rotates any direction
Armored Artillery
Armored Artillery
Moves: 2 squares, any direction
Bombards: 2 squares, forward
Captured by: 1 adjacent infantry
Rotates any direction
Heavy Artillery
Heavy Artillery
Moves: 1 square, any direction
Bombards: 3 squares, forward
Captured by: 1 adjacent infantry
Rotates any direction
Moves: 1 square, any direction
Captured by: 2 adjacent infantry
Can't defend, can't attack.